Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dear LIFE Tuesday!

Dear life,
you are a bitch.
HAHA! Great entrance, huh? I don't usually cuss like that, but for a day like today, I deserve to indulge in the profanity aisle.
Dear; "Friends"
I think i deserve a break from your backstabbing ways and childish actions and reactions and such. A very very very loooooooong break.
Sincerely ticked off,
Rainin' on yer parade.
Dear; "Megan"
I understand that you have lost your best friend because of mine. I'm sorry, but I can't do da drama no more. I got Jessie screamin' in meh face, and my buddies talking behind my back with her, like its MY fault they are 13 year olds who act 4.
Sorry is over used,
Dear; BWBs, (read last entry, people!)
" ",
Dear; Mac 'n' cheezwhiz
I do understand your frustration with my nick name for you. That, however, doesn't, give you reason to get all over my favorite jacket, baby. Thou art goin' down.
Dear; Un-born sibling
I wish i could come 'n stay forever, but I really can't. I was just wondering if you could be a girl, just for me? I'll give you all my clothes, and do your hair, and loan you tampons, and and- an... PLEASE!?
I don't want that tampon back, BTW,
Dancing in the Rain

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blood sugar spikes and BWBs :)!!!

HAY HAY HAY is for horses! SOOO MUCH to talk about... First off, last week was a technology- free break, and so this = no bloggin'... :( BUT! Turn that frown upside down, 'cause tomorrow is Dear LIFE Tuesday! Wewt! ... LOL!!!... ANYWAYS- I figured out how to bold! Yay! - Last week was break, and i was with my daddy! I, personally thought it was gonna be a boring break, but actually, it was very exciting, physically and mentally. And emotionaly. Yeah, definitely emotionally. I learned things that i didn't know. It was fun! So, beginning of the week, everything's fine, and there are no problems with anything. It's all good, ya know? Well, it reaches thursday and there are definitely some school / work / family stress issues, and so i begin to fell the vibes rollin' off my pa. I'm tired and all bruised up from being the human bouncy ball for my lil' cousin Avery, And she's messing with his phone, so i snatch it from her grubby lil' 2 year-old hands and TURN IT OFF. Yeah well, Missy Rain, do you know what happens when you turn off an iPhone? Heh? Do you?
OF COURSE NOT! HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT THE SCREEN GETS RESET!? I HAVE A CrapPhone! Well, that really ticks him off, so he goes all, "Did you turn my phone off?"
Me: Ummm... yes?
Dad: Why would you do that?
Me: So Avery wouldn't mess anything up... *innocent face*
Me: Sorry? I didn't know! Yeesh!
Dad:... Did you just 'yeesh' me?
Me: Bu-
Dad: We will talk about this in the car.
*in the car*
So mom and dad are talking, and then dad says something about having an attitude.
*at home*
Dad: Are you gonna have an attitude with me all night?
Me: What attitude?
Me: *laughs* *runs screaming* *slams door* *collapses on bed giggling, and crying*

What would you do?

SO! Le next day, I get up with a tomach ache, but i think it's one of those 'if you eat it will get better' things, so i ate a bowl of cereal and we were off to this animal safari thing. On the way there, i stopped to grab a bag o' swedish fish, and take a potty break. I ate the bag on the way there, and my stomach was still sick. We got there, and i was tired- like, i was about to collapse. So, on our way to the petting Zoo, i grabbed a water, and after the whole bottle, i gained a fever. oooh, great! Fell asleep in the car, and slept from 2 pm to 9 pm, then 10 pm to 9 am. that is 17 hours of sleep, people! :O!
Just a random blood sugar spike over, like, 10 swedish fish. wth?

I just got new Vipre M1 skates, and they are officially my unnoficial Blue Wheeled Babies. (BWBs) I went out for a skate and i was halfway home and it got dark, mom flipped out, and grounded me from them. THAT SUCKS. May i have an AMEN?

'Till tomorrow,
Miss Rain :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

HEY! life's JAZZY!

How's it goin', readers? I was just making shadow puppets on the wall when i noticed myself havin' a good day and singing along to one of my least favorite songs. "Lifes what you make it?" yeah, that one... :/ And a random word popped into my head: JAZZY. ANd then i thought of kittens, which made me think of babies, which in turn made me think of youtube. Kinda random, right? WELL! i Was thinking about a new thing to do on here, which i think will be "Dear LIFE tuesdays". I write to people in my life on here. You should do it too, it's great if you need to tell someone something but you don't have the guts to do it. :)... SO! I have posted ^^^ above^^^ a label i will use... AND an example! :)

DEAR; Guys at school.
I KNOW you like me! I KNOW IT! WTH is WRONG with you, then? Just tell me.... I mean i know there are plenty of OTHER PRETTIER girls at school, but you choose to mess with me... you jackass...
Sincerely; A verrrrrry irked RAIN.

Dear; Dad...
I wish you were a teeeensy weeensy bit more supportive... just maybe??? I gey you are upset with my grades. SO WHAT? i'm trying to tell you that their better and you are still stuck on my OTHER grades.
Love; UNsupported RAIN.

You are one reason I HATE SCHOOL. AND DRAMA, AND LOADS OF OTHER THINGS THAT READERS WOULD PROBABLY SHUN ME IF I WROTE THEM DOWN. You mistreat me and then i try NOT to forgive you, but end up doing it all over again. It's like i jumped off a bridge, died, reincarnated, and jumped off the same bridge.
Still waiting; RAIN.

Dear; MOM>
You are the reason i HAVE no friends. I WANT TO GO SEE PERCY JACKSON AND THE LIGHTNING THEIF, but you insist that it is a "crap" movie. You would make a "crap" movie. thats right i went there. :) jk. i respect your opinion, but i am extremely dissapointed to hear that you don't respect mine. >:|.

Friday, January 29, 2010

OKAY! First post in a while.

SOOOO! i had a rough day today, and am willing to talk about it; i highly reccomend this to people with stress problems, it helps. anyways, today i was in LANGUAGE ARTS, and was working on a paper, while listening to Muse. (I LOVE MUSE) But i was working on a paper that had to do withy animal abuse. :( a very sad topic, actually. But was reading this other guys blog, when i saw something pretty strange, and sad. A small kitten by the name of Westey was doused in nail polish remover and lit on fire, he survived. he was in the emergency clinic, and one of the vets was looking at him. she leaned over and whispered "Do you see what i'm seeing?" to the vet next to her. On his side, in a perfect heart shape was a burn the size of my fist. I saw pictures of it. The kitten was adopted last month. Simply inspiring.

OTHER THAN THIS! I had a good day. i'm having issues with "slope" in math. Mrs.Ray talks too fast! Has anyone issues right now? not getting anything.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Stupid stop signs and listening issues.

Well, since your problems are my problems and vice verse, I wanna tell you about my day. TODAY: no school, because of like, 2 inches of snow. 3 DAYS AGO. So. rushing home from work with mom, and what do we see? a cop. what have we done? "paused" at a stop sign. OH NO NO NO! There's more! less than 30 days ago, we were hit by some blond in a big white van, and got a speeding "WARNING" on the way home! what a way to start the new year! Hah. Ok. NOT MANY READERS! lol. get over here! Today is a fun day. I wanna relax. Where do i go? VIDEO GAMES!!! duh. let me give you some links to sites, and lolcat pictures I've made.


ok, so i posted this and realized that it said "listening issues" at the end of the title. lol. Okey pokey, so with the listening thing. My theory with senses, is that some people can hear, but not listen. See, but not look. Know, but not feel. You know those people who are always in a hurry? those are people with no sense. They can SEE the beautiful butterfly, but not truly see its beauty. They can HEAR the birds chirping, but they cant hear their song. They don't sit still enough to FEEL love. they only KNOW it. It's quite sad, actually. anyways. Just a zen thought for today. hah.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

All about parents- and siblings-...

"I get in fights with my parents."- Says Lizzie. "There's just a lot of tension- they're stressing me out and they don't even know it. "It's just the little things. "They get all, like, sarcastic, and it like, hurts me, but when i voice my opinion, they punish me. Or then they say something, and i compromise them, and they scream at me and look back and I'm right, and they don't give me a proper apology." Her siblings, however, are giving her mixed feelings. "My sisters are four and one, so they're both pretty cute, but annoying. I feel kinda bad that i like one more than the other. I try to treat them both fairly, but the older one gets on my nerves. I tell her not to, then tell my parents, but she keeps doing it, so i kind of 'spank' her, and she laughs at me!. She just doesn't understand, and neither do my parents."

Lizzie- I know this is kind of stupid, but think of yourself as a puppy. Your parents and siblings are humans, and they just don't understand you. You can't tell them what you want. So they play rough with you.

First post- hmmmm...

Well then. Hi. I'm Rain (obviously that's not my real name, but it happens to be my middle name.) And I'm 13. I was thinking today, and came up with- well, a thought. Our parents CAN'T tell what we're thinking,of how we feel. No one is a mind reader. Although i think sometimes it would be easier if everyone were, that's not the way it is. Because life is a test. And as all of us 13 year old people know, tests are absolutely NOT easy. No matter what bull poop comes out of other peoples' mouths. Ha-ha!

SO! To conclude- i'm writing this as an "I'm here, and I can help you out!" kind of thing for kids and parents. Kids- do you have problems? So do I, even if you aren't 13, i can still help you out. I have been through things like deaths to dates to drugs (HAVE NOT DONE THEM- BUT I KNOW SOME PEOPLE WHO HAVE RECOVERED. And some who- unfortunately- had not.) Parents! "What's wrong with my kid? Why isn't she talking to me?" I got you covered. Been through it with myself and i can tell ya all about our hormonal horrors- if you don't already know about them. I am like the geek squad of adolescence. Your problems are my problems, and vice-verse.